Thursday, February 26, 2009

If March is Mad what is February?

Wow, has it really been that long? I almost gave this up but my cousin told me how much she enjoyed staying in touch with the blog. I guess I will give you what I have and if that isn't enough....well it rarely is. February has been a blur of colds and flu. We are all, knock on wood, doing okay for the moment. I have been training for a marathon again. Brandon and I are running the Salt Lake Half and the Ogden. After that how crazy we decide to get remains to be seen. I do feel good to be back in training, working towards a goal. Last weekend I had a a scrap and crap weekend with both Katies, my mom, Lynan, Nannette, Jinnene and Katie's mom Debbie. My favorite new quote from the weekend is, "I don't know Karate but I do know Crazy and I am not afraid to use it!" I know I will find a good moment to use that one.

The snow is melting outside and it would be really exciting if it wasn't coated with dirt and grime. I really can't even recognize my grass in the park strip and along the drive-way where the snow is starting to creep back. It is really disgusting and makes me all the more in awe of mother nature. I can't believe that all that grass and the plants are really going to come back and look decent again. This is always a hard time of year for me, I just want spring to hurry up. I do have one exciting event happening next week. I am going to Rome with Brandon for a few days. I am going to break out my passport for the first time and venture out on an international flight. I am most excited to spend some time with my hubby.

Tonite I got to attend the maturation program with Abby and it made me feel really old. I swear I am not old enough to have a child in fifth grade. It wasn't how I remembered it when I was in grade-school. It has either changed or I am remembering something very wrong. They really don't get into details and I wonder why they even offer the program at all. I would seriously consider not attending next time. I had already covered everything with Abby and the only thing we really got from the program was a couple of free panti-liners.

I spend alot of time just me and the kids and I am constantly trying to decide if I am a good mother. The visiting teaching message in Feb. was about the divine calling of women. It points out that we fought for the opportunity to be mother's. I am going to try and remember that when I have those desperate moments. I wanted to come to earth and be a mother and I better enjoy and treasure these moments. Check out my new slide show...I figured it out again! (whew) I hope all is well with anyone who reads this. I will blog again when I get back from Europe.


Julie Wilding said...

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Abby went to maturation! I feel like I'm forty.

Corrigan Clan said...

I'm glad to see you haven't thrown in the blogging towel. It's probably better that Abby hear most of that stuff from you anyways. I hope Europe is the bestest get away ever. Love you.

A.J said...

post post post!